In Perfect Peace Massage 

Beauty and Wellness
My name is T’sheena Norris and I am the owner of In Perfect Peace Massage. I am a licensed massage therapist with over 12 years of experience. In Perfect Peace Massage is committed to inspire healthier lifestyles. I am able to do just that through the assistance of one’s own desires and efforts to raise or maintain their state of well being. I provide knowledge of various elements of eastern medicine, while supporting western medicine and experience which goes slightly beyond that of traditional studies. Although relaxation is the main goal I also provide therapy from specialized certifications to reinforce recovery and rehabilitation. I am committed to assisting the body in the restoration of its physical, mental and emotional functions.
Why choose mobile massage?

Most conveniently, mobile massage is often ideal for those who work from home, have a busy schedule or where traveling is rather challenging. Providing the space in your home allows me to bring the relaxation into your sanctuary. If in home massage is not the best for your time of peace, no need to worry! I will gladly assist you at our studio facility located in Talmo.

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(678) 465-7468